Before registering on this portal, make sure that you go through the Terms and Conditions of our website i.e. Using all or some parts of this website shall mean that you agree to our Terms, Privacy Policy, and other usage policies of this website.
We have made it mandatory for all users to read these terms very carefully and agree to them before taking any action on this website. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be able to make any further association with us. We, as the website owners, hold all the rights to amend these terms and update them soon after amendment, as and when needed.
By filling in the registration form on this website, you shall be solely responsible for providing us with the most accurate and updated information. Taking care of this is very necessary for users who want to use our services
We own and retain the proprietary rights on as this website contains copyrighted material and trademarks. By using this website and agreeing to its terms, you also agree not to copy, publish, amend, or sell anything that is personally provided to you.
In case you violate any of these terms and we get to know about the same, then we shall stop providing any further services to you. In any case, related to disobedience of our services, we shall delete your account without informing you.
We do not guarantee you the confidentiality of the information you share with us. However, we use all the security measures to protect your financial or payment-related details from our website. But, if ever, any information gets leaked, we shall not be held responsible for the same. Therefore, before sharing any sensitive information with us, make sure that you are aware of the consequences it may lead to.
In case of any further information, feel free to contact us by navigating to